Neugestaltung des Obermarktes in Alzey
Ankauf | 2013
Auslober: Stadt Alzey
Verfahren: Realisierungswettbewerb

Berufsbildende Schulen 1 Wolfsburg
1. Preis | 2012
Auslober: Stadt Wolfsburg
Verfahren: Beschränkter architektonischer und freiraumplanerischer Wettbewerb

Umgestaltung der Fußgängerzone in Bad Salzuflen
4. Preis | 2012
Auslober: Stadt Bad Salzuflen
Verfahren: Anonymes Gutachterverfahren

Städtebaulicher Masterplan der Stadt Köln – Kölner Ringe
Ausgewähltes Team | 2011
Auslober: Stadt Köln
Verfahren: Interdisziplinäre Planungswerkstatt

New Headquater Dongxiang Sport, Peking
2nd Place | 2010
Awarded by: The Donxiang Group (Head Office Kappa)
Procedure: restricted competition for the realization

New construction of the Kamp-Lintfort College
1st Place | 2010
Awarded by: Bau- und Liegenschaft NRW Duisburg
Procedure: Architectural competition
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

New construction of the Hamm-Lippstadt College
1st Place | 2010
Awarded by: Bau- und Liegenschaft NRW Soest
Procedure: Architectural competition
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

Reconstruction of Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover
1st Place | 2010
Awarded by: IVA Dr. A. Steiger KG,
investment company of the Volkswagen Foundation
Procedure: Architectural competition
Project Partner: JK Architekten, Hamburg

Technical College of Osnabrück Westerberg
- New construction of an administrative building -
1st Place | 2009
Procedure: Competitive evaluation process
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

Emsland Arena Lingen
1st Place | 2009
Awarded by: Municipally run operation of the Emsland facilities, city of Lingen
Procedure: According to regulations for the tendering of freelance professional services (VOF)
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

Lower Saxony Center for Vehicle Manufacturing, Braunschweig
1st Place | 2009
Awarded by: University of Braunschweig Institute of Technology
Procedure: According to regulations for the tendering of freelance professional services (VOF)
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

New construction of the main administration of the Braunschweig-Hannover pension offices
Acquisition | 2009
Awarded by: German Statutory Pension Insurance office, Braunschweig-Hannover
Procedure: Architectural design competition
Project Partner: HSV Architekten, Braunschweig

Urban re-design of the Belm market area
Acquisition | 2008
Awarded by: Township of Belm
Procedure: Urban development competition
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

New construction of a university library, Marburg
2nd Place | 2008
Awarded by: Hesse Ministry of Finances, Wiesbaden
Procedure: Restricted architecture competition
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

The Hamburg "Tor zur Welt" education center
4th Place | 2007
Awarded by: Hamburg City Office for Education and Sports
Procedure: Restricted two-phase architectural design competition
Project Partner: pbr Planungsbüro Rohling AG

Acquisition | 2006
Awarded by: Gera city planning office
Procedure: Restricted urban development competition
Project Partner: bp architekten, Hamburg

1st Place | 2006
Awarded by: BIG Städtebau M-V GmbH
Procedure: Competition for urban development ideas
Project Partner: Büro Fisch, Berlin & bp architekten, Hamburg